Sunday, January 23, 2011

Eating Revolutions...and Resolutions

I am a believer in resolutions, as I think it is mentally good to know a new year is starting, a new chapter in life, and a perfect time to change things for the better. Like many other people out there, I have set a goal to start eating better in the new year - I have already been going to the gym for about 6 months, so I felt like I was already fighting the battle somewhat.

Of course, this healthy eating thing is much easier said than done. I was convinced that it is beyond impossible to kick the Hershey, Twinkie, any other candy habit! Come on, there is nothing like a piece of chocolate after lunch...

Being on the schedule our family is on made it hard - waking up super early (4:45 a.m.), out the house by 6 and then a full day not ending up at home until 5:30 p.m. Creatively packing enough snacks for that long of a time is difficult. What is telling is that I have always packed healthy snacks for my kids, but not myself. Boy #1 loves anything fruit or vegetable, so he is easy. Boy #2 is still a baby so he is eating very healthy and hasn't yet been corrupted with all of the McDonald's goodness out there ;) Snacking has always been my worst enemy food-wise.

Alas, I am on the track and here are a few of my new favorites:

  • Almonds
  • Kashi Bars
  • Trail Mix
  • Zucchini Snack Pizza
  • Banana Sushi (thanks Nicole!)
Yes, you read right - zucchini snack pizza and banana sushi - DELICIOUS! So delicious, here are the recipes:

Zucchini Snack Pizzas

Banana Sushi

I have had it where the banana is sliced into long strips so that it looks more like sushi, but either way will work.

Another awesome, albeit pricey snack is Kind Bars. There are only sold in select stores, and a little harder to find - but worth the hunt!

I once read in Prevention magazine that you should put only good foods into your body (with the occasional treat) and that is the best health insurance you can buy...just food for thought :)

Happy eating!

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