Sunday, March 4, 2012

Author Interview: Kristine Ong Muslim

 I shared a new book coming out on the blog earlier today and am now honored to sit down with Kristine Ong Muslim, author of We Bury the Landscape.  She is as I mentioned, a dynamic new author and one worth checking out - she brings art to a new level, one that EVERY reader can understand and relate to!

What book is on your nightstand now? 

Mark Samuels’ “The Man Who Collected Machen and other Weird Tales,” and I am on page 35.

What was your favorite book when you were a child? 

The Happy Prince -- the picture book version of the Oscar Wilde story. My parents were excellent storytellers, and they did voices when they narrated the Wilde story to me. I cannot forget that book. It’s so heartbreaking.

Who are your top five authors? 

Ray Bradbury, Philip K. Dick, Harlan Ellison, H.P. Lovecraft, and Clive Barker.

What books have you faked reading? 

Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes.

What books are you an evangelist for? 

Herbert Lieberman’s “City of the Dead.” There are two most important books for me. One is Ray Bradbury’s “The Martian Chronicles.” The other one is the Lieberman book. “City of the Dead” is so powerfully disturbing and is so good that it deserves to be read by many people. 

What books have you bought for the cover? 

Rick Hautala’s “Night Stone.” I did not read this until much later. The author did acknowledge that the cover brought in the sales. On top of the great cover, the story was excellent and the pacing was fantastic. 

What books have changed your life?

Definitely Ray Bradbury’s “The Martian Chronicles.”

What is your favorite line from a book?  

“It’s a lonely life, but you’re used to it now, aren’t you?” - from “The Foghorn” by Ray Bradbury.

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