Beachwalk Press will be sponsoring giveaways at the end of this blog tour. Everyone who comments on a post will have their name placed in a drawing (be sure to include an email address so we have a way to contact you). On Monday, December 19th we will randomly choose four people who will win a Beachwalk Press eBook of their choice from any of the authors who participated on the tour. The more blogs you comment on, the more times you are entered to win! For a list of all the blogs we will be visiting on this tour, click here: http://beachwalkpress.com/2011/11/beachwalk-press-holiday-blog-tour/
During the month of December, Beachwalk Press will be hosting a Holiday Scavenger Hunt. There will be multiple winners, and the prizes will include gift certificates, Godiva chocolates, and a Kindle Fire! Visit our website for more information. http://beachwalkpress.com/

We hope you have a nice and naughty holiday season. Stop by and check us out. We LOVE company…
Spicin’ It Up: http://spicyauthors.blogspot.com/
Naughty or Nice?
Happy Holidays! We’re the authors of Beachwalk Press and we run a little blog together called Spicin’ It Up. We dish about upcoming releases, what inspires us to write, and any other “Spicy” topic that happens to pop into our heads. We hope you’ll come join us at http://spicyauthors.blogspot.com/
Theresa Stillwagon
Christmas was always a big deal to my family. It was the one time we all got together around the table.
Well, actually it was two tables.
I come from a big family.
A big, Catholic family.
My parents would put two tables end-to-end in our long, narrow living room, and that’s where we’d eat our Christmas dinner. Usually a traditional one. Turkey, stuffing, cranberries, corn, rolls, finished off with pumpkin and apple pies.
Some of us went to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve and the rest of us went in the morning. We usually ate around two.
The tree sat in the corner near the sliding front door, brightly decorated and lit up. If I’m remembering right, it sat there until after the new year.
It was a real tree. My dad and brothers went out into the woods near us and chopped it down. (This was when I was real young.) When I got older, we would go and buy one at a Christmas tree lot.
We never had a fake one.
I haven’t cooked a traditional Christmas meal, decorated a tree (real or fake) in many years. And, sadly, I haven’t been inside a church.
Life was so much simpler back then.
Hope everyone has a wonderful and joyful Christmas.
Lacey Wolfe
If you have kids, then each year you remind your children about Santa’s naughty and nice list. About how he checks it twice. Like most parents, I remind my kids they need to be good; Santa’s watching. And let’s be honest, does it really improve your kids behavior? No. Mine act the same and Santa still comes. Even if they had a rough year where they really pushed my buttons, Santa still seemed to come down that chimney for them and leave them what their heart desired. I then have to wonder to myself, if Santa was real—sssh! Send the kids away! Would he really follow this list? Would the jolly old man visit a house of six kids, and let’s say the middle child that year had been a naughty little fellow—would Santa leave coal in his stocking while the others got what they asked for.
I would like to think not. I think he might leave what the child wanted and then possibly a note telling the child he had been watching and he didn’t approve of such actions. After all, we tell our children Santa is watching. So Santa has to follow through.
So, now tell me. If Santa was watching you, have you been nice or naughty?
Ella Jade
There are so many nice things to do during the holiday season. Baking cookies with the kids is always a fave of mine. Although, I’ll admit I dread cleaning up the mess they leave behind. I love working the holiday shop at their school, decorating the house, looking for the perfect tree, and watching all of the various specials and movies of the season. One of the things I look forward to most is turning on the lights of the tree, lighting the fireplace, putting on the Christmas music and wrapping presents with my husband. That’s been our tradition for many years. We enjoy the magic of the season
I am a romance author at heart, so I do like to spice things up a bit. I may be a “Martha Stewart/Betty Crocker” kinda girl by day, but once the kids are asleep…Ella Jade comes out to play. Naughty doesn’t begin to describe the scenes I write after being domestic all day. My inner writing goddess get’s unleashed ;) Come see what I mean. http://ellajadeauthor.blogspot.com.
Happy Holidays!
Tabitha Rayne
Oh, Christmas is the perfect time to be naughty and nice—I just love it! The excitement of festive nights out, wrapping presents, sending lists up the chimney...
My favourite tradition is hanging the stockings out for Father Christmas. It is the simplest of pleasures and its meaning has changed and yet stayed the same for me over the years. From waiting excitedly as a child, creeping down the stairs to see if Santa’s come—to becoming an adult, then a parent, it is a consistent annual joy.
Of course, now that I’m grown up there is the added thrill of a different kind of stocking. I love stockings. They are my ultimate sexy feel good item. And if I need an added sensual boost to my day, I can wear them under any clothing and have my little secret all to myself if I wish. They nearly always figure in my stories and all my heroines own at least four styles—seamers (Cuban and French), fishnet, lace top, and whalenet. But I must insist on no ‘hold ups’. They simply must be accompanied by matching garters. Mia from Mia’s Books is no exception.
And so, back to the holidays, what Christmas outfit would be complete without a fabulous pair of beautiful silk seamed stockings? So you can all guess what’s at the top of my list when I watch it fluttering off up the chimney...
Happy holidays!
Tabitha “I heart stockings” Rayne x x
I'd like to enter the blog Hop contest and I hope I'm commenting in the right place. My email is mcv111@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteThis blog hop has been a lot of fun. Thanks to all the authors who've made it such a treat.
ReplyDeletedrainbamaged.gyzmo at gmail.com
Thank you for sharing Christmas memories.
ReplyDeletelinze_e at hotmail.com
mcv, Kathryn, and lindseye--thank you so much for dropping by!