Thursday, August 11, 2011

E-Books Accelerate Paperbacks

I posted a link to the blog Facebook page - click HERE - not long ago about a recent article in the NY Times explaining how the publishing industry is changing, and how it used to be a year or more after a hardback book came out before there would be a paperback version available...but that is changing.

Here is one excerpt from that article:

"It used to be like clockwork in the book business: first the hardcover edition was released, then, about one year later, the paperback.

But in an industry that has been upended by the growth of e-books, publishers are moving against convention by pushing paperbacks into publication earlier than usual, sometimes less than six months after they appeared in hardcover."

This was reinforced this morning when I received an email from Simon and Schuster announcing the upcoming release of David McCullough's The Greater Journey: Americans In Paris IN PAPERBACK! I have had my eye on this book since its initial release so to hear the paperback is coming out so soon is great! Of course, it doesn't ship until spring 2012 but even announcing it is happening sooner. Many other books can be on your doorstep in paperback as little as 6 months after their original publication date.

E-Books have revolutionized the publishing industry in many different ways and I am sure that even more changes are coming in the future as more and more people get e-readers.

Read the entire NY Times article HERE.

1 comment:

  1. So many times when we hear about eBooks and the publishing industry it's negative, but this sounds like they are proactively working towards making readers happy :)
