Book Summary:
With this revelatory and painstakingly researched book, Martha Washington, the invisible woman of American history, at last gets the biography she deserves. In place of the domestic frump of popular imagination, Patricia Brady resurrects the wealthy, attractive, and vivacious young widow who captivated the youthful George Washington. Here are the able landowner, the indomitable patriot (who faithfully joined her husband each winter at Valley Forge), and the shrewd diplomat and emotional mainstay. And even as it brings Martha Washington into sharper and more accurate focus, this sterling life sheds light on her marriage, her society, and the precedents she established for future First Ladies.
My Thoughts:
I really liked this book and enjoyed taking a short trip through our nation's early history through the eyes of such an endearing and tremendous lady. Martha Washington was a huge influence on her husband, George Washington, and therefore ultimately a huge influence on our nation's early years.
The author did a tremendous job compiling the research required for such a person and her clear and concise details piece together this story beautifully. I can only imagine the painstaking time spent sorting through thousands of primary resources in an attempt to give readers a complete picture of her life, and her importance.
I also credit the author with making readers fall in love with Martha, her endearing qualities, and her demeanor and character. Her devotion to family and home are so strong and as a woman I felt like no matter who and where you are, those are qualities that we want to embrace as she did.
The portraits the author included in the middle of the book are fantastic and give readers a clear picture of who the people being described are.

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This sounds like an interesting biography, it's always nice to see something written about a lesser-known historical figure.